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Grid examples

Basic grid layouts to get you familiar with using grid system.


Install with npm  npm install grid-styled-css --save

Basic understanding

The basic understanding for rendering grid is the sumation of the used columns which should always be eqaul to 12.

Consider rendering grid using class .col-4.col-6.col-2. In this sample the summation is 4 + 6 + 2 = 12 so the grid would render properly. So always take care column sumation.

Five grid tiers

There are five tiers to the grid system. Each tier starts at a minimum viewport size and automatically applies to the larger devices unless overridden.


Three equal columns

Get three equal-width columns. On mobile devices, tablets and below, the columns will automatically stack.


Three unequal columns

Get three columns of various widths. Remember, grid columns should add up to twelve for a single horizontal block. More than that, and columns start stacking no matter the viewport.


Two columns

Get two columns.
